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The story of our chaotic, hyperconnected world — and how you can navigate it.
The definitive guide to spreading ideas, building movements, working smarter, and getting ahead in our chaotic, connected age. Get the book New York Times columnist David Brooks calls “the best window I’ve seen into this new world.”
Why do some leap ahead while others fall behind in our chaotic, connected age? In New Power, Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms confront the biggest stories of our time–the rise of mega-platforms like Facebook and Uber; the out-of-nowhere victories of Obama and Trump; the unexpected emergence of movements like #MeToo–and reveal what’s really behind them: the rise of “new power.”
New power is the essential skill of the 21st century, and if you understand it, it could change your life and career.
We can’t wait to discuss it with you at the special #resist webinar on the 28th April.
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This book will inform and inspire all.
Power structures are in serious flux. The best window I’ve seen into this new world is a book called New Power.
Power structures are in serious flux. The best window I’ve seen into this new world is a book called New Power, by Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms.
Essential and extremely insightful
Could not be coming at a better time.